Friday, November 2, 2007


This was done using Love elsie embossed paper and fabric paper.

Really freaky but when i was doing this i saw a scrappers work & the L/O that she put on her blog was really simular !

Think she might think i nicked her idea but her piece is way better than mine. Just freaked out that it was such a simular theme ...heres Cleos work so she doesnt think ive ripped off her work , i nearly never showed my L/O after seeing Cleos mind !!!! but then i thought i liked it originally until i saw Cleos so should be proud of my work Heres the link . .....


Cleo said...

Jayne- its FAB .I think we are just very alike!!! That is so weird though!! Maybe we have some sort of physic connection!!! We should try it out!!!
Speak soon

Tracey said...

Love this Jayne!